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Get the Okareo API Token

Setting up your Okareo environment

Okareo requires an API Token. To provision an API token, you will need to sign-up with Okareo and then visit the Account Settings to get a token.
Once you have a token, we suggest making it available to your Jupyter environment.
An easy way to do this is through a .env file in VSCode or by making the Okareo token available as an envar.

  1. Login to
  2. Expand User and Org Settings on the bottom left, navigate to API Tokens.
    Okareo Diagram
  3. Create a token by selecting Generate Token and completing the form.
    Okareo Diagram
  • ⚠️ API tokens are only visible once. Copy it to a secure location.
  • Tokens can have expiration dates for security.
  • The available role is Admin (for now).