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Okareo CLI

The Okareo CLI provides a means to run scenario/model workflows in python or typescript without modifying your larger project/repo. You can use the CLI locally or as a coordinator of scenario/model validation in CI.


The SDK requires an API Token. Refer to the Okareo API Key guide for more information.


The Okareo CLI assumes a specific config structure that incldues a config.yml for context and a flows folder with the flows you want to run. [Project] .okareo config.yml flows [your_flow_script].[py|ts]


Download the latest version of the okareo CLI (okareo) for your development environment.

curl -O -L
tar -xvf okareo_darwin_arm64.tar.gz

Add Okareo to your path after unpacking:


Run okareo -v to verify your installation before moving to next step.

If you want to use Okareo, outside of a broader unit test framework, you can use the okareo init command to bootstrap in Python or Typescript. Learn more

okareo init --language typescript

Config Structure

To use the Okareo CLI, you will need to establish a .okareo folder with a config.yml file inside.

The ./.okareo/config.yml file can be configured directly or for scripts written in python, javascript, or typescript

name: Project Name 
api-key: ${OKAREO_API_KEY}
project-id: ${OKAREO_PROJECT_ID}
- name: "Your Evaluation Name"
model-id: "<MODEL-UUID>"
scenario-id: "<SCENARIO-UUID>"
- "<CHECK-NAME-1>"
- "<CHECK-NAME-2>"


On the roadmap is a facility to split and run flows in parallel. Although a seemingly simple feature, there are interesting consequences - like model warming which causes answers to change if topical questions are asked in sequence. If this is of interest, please reach out to us

CLI Commands

-h, --help

The Okareo CLI includes help. You can get help via --help at the CLI root or on a per command basis.

machine-dev % okareo --help
The Okareo CLI is a tool to help you evaluate your use of AI/ML in your application:
To use the CLI, refer to the docs:

okareo [flags]
okareo [command]

Available Commands:
clean Okareo CLI command to clean .okareo directory
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
init Creates a default .okareo structure in the current directory
proxy Start a proxy server using litellm
run Okareo CLI command to run workflows.

-h, --help help for okareo
-v, --version The current version of the Okareo CLI (default true)

-c, --clean

The Okareo CLI bootstraps the Typescript and Javascript environment within ./.okareo.

To avoid accidentally checking in this generated code, we suggest adding a few entries to .gitignore per the Typescript and Javascript install section.

Clean specifically removes the following items:

  • .okareo/package.json
  • .okareo/package-lock.json
  • .okareo/tsconfig.json if using typescript
  • .okareo/node_modules
  • .okareo/dist if using typescript

    This mechanism is not needed if you are using Python.


Creates a default .okareo structure in the current directory

okareo init [flags]

-d, --debug See additional stdout to debug the init process.
-f, --force Forces the exiting configuration to be overwritten.
-h, --help help for init
-l, --language string The language you want to configure: Python, Javascript, or Typescript. (default "python")

Global Flags:
-v, --version The current version of the Okareo CLI (default true)

init -d, --debug

Provides additional information for the init runtime.

okareo init -d 

init -f, --force

This will replace the existing configuration with a new configuration file. This will NOT remove existing flows.

okareo init --force 

init -l, --language

This initializes the .okareo environment with the specified language : Python, Javascript, or Typescript.

okareo init -l ts 

If you are interested in an additional language, let us know:


Starts a proxy server that can handle LLM requests using litellm's proxy functionality

okareo proxy [flags]

-c, --config string Path to config file (default "./cmd/proxy_config.yaml")
-d, --debug Enable debug mode
-h, --help help for proxy
-H, --host string Host to run the proxy server on (default "")
-m, --model string Model to use (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo, claude-2)
-p, --port string Port to run the proxy server on (default "4000")

Global Flags:
-v, --version The current version of the Okareo CLI (default true)

proxy -c, --config string

To easily support tracing, the CLI provides a proxy. To run the proxy, you will need to provide your OKAREO_API_KEY, and any other standard model keys you wan to use.

The Okareo proxy uses LiteLLM. As a result, you can pass in any standard LiteLLM config format you wish.

You will need to point your model base_url to the proxy endpoint. The proxy runs on port 4000 by default. You can change this with -p 4000

okareo proxy -c ./config_proxy.yaml 

Default config_proxy.yaml file

- model_name: "*"
model: "*"
callbacks: ["otel"]

Example of using OpenAI with the proxy base_url in place.

client = openai.OpenAI(


The run command is the primary feature of the Okareo CLI. The run command will call each script that matches the file pattern in .okareo/config.yml.

This command is useful locally during development and can be used directly or through the Okareo GitHub Action to drive flows in CI/CD

If the evaluation config is in the yml or the SDK uses the JSONReporter.log(), run will automatically ouput evaluations results to ./.okareo/reports

machine-dev % okareo run --help
Okareo CLI 'runs' can include multiple flows that perform a variety of tasks from scenario generation to model evaluation.

okareo run [flags]

-c, --config string The Okareo configuration file for the evaluation run. (default "./.okareo/config.yml")
-d, --debug See additional stdout to debug your flows.
-f, --file string The Okareo flow script you want to run. (default "ALL")
-h, --help help for run
-r, --reports string The folder where eval results are made available. Defaults to ./.okareo/reports/ (default "reports")

Global Flags:
-v, --version The current version of the Okareo CLI (default true)

run -c, --config

With this you can create bespoke config files with different matching patterns.

okareo run -c ./.okareo/retrieval.config.yml 

A few example configurations that you could create include:

- all.config.yml could macth all flows - intent.config.yml could match flows for evaulating intent - ci.config.yml could match flows you want to run in CI/CD - prod.config.yml could match flows necessary for automated validation prior to production push

run -d, --debug

If you are concerned that flows are being skipped or would like more information, --debug provides more detailed output.

This facility is primarily used by Okareo during development of the CLI but is perfectly safe for daily use as well.

okareo run -d 

run -f, --file

There are times during development when you will want to run a specific flow to drive and evaluate finetuning. The file flag allows you to specify the flow you want to run.


The --file command takes the name of the flow you want to run without the file type designation. For example projects vs This is a conscious decision that abstracts the language from the flow. Because Okareo allows more than one config file to exist, it is possible to have more than one language available in a single .okareo environment.

run -h, --help

Provides help output on run.

okareo run -h 

run -r, --reports string

The CLI/SDK default to output evaluation reports to ./.okareo/reports. However if an alternative location is preferred, this flag can set the location to use for the output.

okareo run -r analytics