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Okareo CLI

The Okareo CLI makes it easy to run model evaluation and scenario workflows in Python or TypeScript—without changing your core codebase. Designed for local use and CI/CD pipelines, it helps you validate AI behavior across flows defined in a lightweight config. With a single command, you can coordinate tests, generate reports, and even proxy model requests for runtime evaluation. The proxy supports runtime and production LLM error tracking that can feed directly into evaluations. Whether you’re iterating locally or automating checks before a prod push, the CLI keeps model validation clean, versioned, and code-native.


The SDK requires an API Token. Refer to the Okareo API Token guide for more information.


Download the latest version of the okareo CLI (okareo) for your development environment.

curl -O -L
tar -xvf okareo_darwin_arm64.tar.gz

Add Okareo to your path after unpacking:


Run okareo -v to verify your installation before moving to next step.

If you want to use Okareo, outside of a broader unit test framework, you can use the okareo init command to bootstrap in Python or Typescript. Learn more

okareo init --language typescript

Project Structure & Configuration

To run scenario creation and evaluation scripts Okareo CLI assumes a specific directory structure. you will need to establish a .okareo folder that incldues config.yml file and a flows folder with the scripts you want to run.

└── .okareo
└──── config.yml
└──── flows
└────── [your_flow_script].[py|ts]

To use the Okareo CLI, you will need to establish a .okareo folder with a config.yml file inside.

The ./.okareo/config.yml file can be configured directly or for scripts written in python, javascript, or typescript

name: Project Name 
api-key: ${OKAREO_API_KEY}
project-id: ${OKAREO_PROJECT_ID}
- name: "Your Evaluation Name"
model-id: "<MODEL-UUID>"
scenario-id: "<SCENARIO-UUID>"
- "<CHECK-NAME-1>"
- "<CHECK-NAME-2>"


On the roadmap is a facility to split and run flows in parallel. Although a seemingly simple feature, there are interesting consequences - like model warming which causes answers to change if topical questions are asked in sequence. If this is of interest, please reach out to us

CLI Commands

-h, --help

The Okareo CLI includes help. You can get help via --help at the CLI root or on a per command basis.

machine-dev % okareo --help
The Okareo CLI is a tool to help you evaluate your use of AI/ML in your application:
To use the CLI, refer to the docs:

okareo [flags]
okareo [command]

Available Commands:
clean Okareo CLI command to clean .okareo directory
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
init Creates a default .okareo structure in the current directory
proxy Start a proxy server
run Okareo CLI command to run workflows.

-h, --help help for okareo
-v, --version The current version of the Okareo CLI (default true)

-c, --clean

The Okareo CLI bootstraps the Typescript and Javascript environment within ./.okareo.

To avoid accidentally checking in this generated code, we suggest adding a few entries to .gitignore per the Typescript and Javascript install section.

Clean specifically removes the following items:

  • .okareo/package-lock.json
  • .okareo/tsconfig.json if using typescript
  • .okareo/node_modules
  • .okareo/dist if using typescript

    This mechanism is not needed if you are using Python.


Creates a default .okareo structure in the current directory

okareo init [flags]

-d, --debug See additional stdout to debug the init process.
-f, --force Forces the exiting configuration to be overwritten.
-h, --help help for init
-l, --language string The language you want to configure: Python, Javascript, or Typescript. (default "python")

Global Flags:
-v, --version The current version of the Okareo CLI (default true)

init -d, --debug

Provides additional information for the init runtime.

okareo init -d 

init -f, --force

This will replace the existing configuration with a new configuration file. This will NOT remove existing flows.

okareo init --force 

init -l, --language

This initializes the .okareo environment with the specified language : Python, Javascript, or Typescript.

okareo init -l ts 

If you are interested in an additional language, let us know:


Starts a proxy server that can handle LLM requests 

okareo proxy [flags]

-c, --config string Path to config file (default "./cmd/proxy_config.yaml")
-d, --debug Enable debug mode
-h, --help help for proxy
-H, --host string Host to run the proxy server on (default "")
-m, --model string Model to use (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo, claude-2)
-p, --port string Port to run the proxy server on (default "4000")

Global Flags:
-v, --version The current version of the Okareo CLI (default true)

proxy -c, --config string

To easily support runtime error tracking and evaluations, the CLI provides a proxy. To run the proxy, you will need to provide your OKAREO_API_KEY, and any other standard model keys you wan to use.

You will need to point your model base_url to the proxy endpoint. The proxy runs on port 4000 by default. You can change this with -p 4000

Example of using OpenAI with the proxy base_url in place.

client = openai.OpenAI(


The run command is the primary feature of the Okareo CLI. The run command will call each script that matches the file pattern in .okareo/config.yml.

This command is useful locally during development and can be used directly or can also run in CI/CD using the official Okareo GitHub Action.

If the evaluation config is in the yml or the SDK uses the JSONReporter.log(), run will automatically ouput evaluations results to ./.okareo/reports

machine-dev % okareo run --help
Okareo CLI 'runs' can include multiple flows that perform a variety of tasks from scenario generation to model evaluation.

okareo run [flags]

-c, --config string The Okareo configuration file for the evaluation run. (default "./.okareo/config.yml")
-d, --debug See additional stdout to debug your flows.
-f, --file string The Okareo flow script you want to run. (default "ALL")
-h, --help help for run
-r, --reports string The folder where eval results are made available. Defaults to ./.okareo/reports/

Global Flags:
-v, --version The current version of the Okareo CLI (default true)

run -c, --config

With this you can create bespoke config files with different matching patterns.

okareo run -c ./.okareo/retrieval.config.yml 

A few example configurations that you could create include:

- all.config.yml could macth all flows - intent.config.yml could match flows for evaulating intent - ci.config.yml could match flows you want to run in CI/CD - prod.config.yml could match flows necessary for automated validation prior to production push

run -d, --debug

If you are concerned that flows are being skipped or would like more information, --debug provides more detailed output.

This facility is primarily used by Okareo during development of the CLI but is perfectly safe for daily use as well.

okareo run -d 

run -f, --file

There are times during development when you will want to run a specific flow to drive and evaluate finetuning. The file flag allows you to specify the flow you want to run.


The --file command takes the name of the flow you want to run without the file type designation. For example projects vs This is a conscious decision that abstracts the language from the flow. Because Okareo allows more than one config file to exist, it is possible to have more than one language available in a single .okareo environment.

run -h, --help

Provides help output on run.

okareo run -h 

run -r, --reports string

The CLI/SDK default to output evaluation reports to ./.okareo/reports. However if an alternative location is preferred, this flag can set the location to use for the output.

okareo run -r analytics 

This will output evaluation reports to ./.okareo/analytics. Specify an absolute path to a directory if you'd like to save reports outside ./.okareo